(28). Local Rings of Rings of Quotients.

Autores: M. Gómez Lozano and M. Siles Molina. 

Revista: Journal of algebra and Representation Theory. 11(5) (2008), 425-436      (JCR: 63 de 214. Factor de impacto: 0.776)

Abstract: In this paper we prove that for a semiprime ring the maximal left quotient ring of a local ring (at an element) coincides with the local ring (at an element) of the maximal left quotient ring. We obtain as a consequence that the maximal left quotient ring of a prime ring with a nonzero PI-element is primitive and has nonzero socle. Similar methods can be applied to the Martindale symmetric ring of quotients and to the maximal symmetric ring of quotients to get analogous results.
